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Giuseppe Toniolo .

Giuseppe Toniolo .

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Giuseppe Toniolo .


Tuesday 20 November 2018 (12 noon) Rome, via della Conciliazione 1 (second floor)

Mons.Dominic Sorrentino, Bishop of Assisi

Franco Anelli, Rector of the Catholic University

Matteo Truffelli, National President of the Italian Catholic Action

Enzo Romeo, Editor-in-Chief and Vatican Editor of Tg2-Rai


They present the National Conference


The lesson of Giuseppe Toniolo (1918-2018)


A century after the death of Giuseppe Toniolo, the Catholic University of
Sacred Heart, the Giuseppe Toniolo Institute of Higher Studies, founding body
and guarantor of the University, the Committee for the centenary 1918-2018 and the Action
Cattolica Italiana, the AC School of Holiness Foundation - "Pius XI";
promote the conference “Economy and society for the common good - The lesson
by Giuseppe Toniolo (1918-2018) "for Saturday 24 November 2018
(Aula Pio XI - Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Largo Gemelli 1 -
Milan). The meeting will be opened by the Rector of the Catholic University,
Franco Anelli, by HE Monsignor Mario Delpini, Archbishop of Milan e
President of the Toniolo Institute, and by HE Card. Gualtiero Bassetti,
President of the Italian Episcopal Conference.

On the topicality of the guiding concepts of Toniolo's thought, at the origins
of the Church's social doctrine, theologians, economists,
historians, political scientists, sociologists, jurists. Among these HE Mons. Domenico
Sorrentino, Archbishop of Assisi; Domenico Bodega, Faculty of Economics,
Catholic University of Sacred Heart; Leonardo Becchetti, University of
Rome Studies "Tor Vergata"; Luigino Bruni, University of Rome LUMSA, Matteo
Scams; Italian Catholic Action; Mauro Magatti, Catholic University
of the Sacred Heart; HE Mons. Claudio Giuliodori, Ecclesiastical Assistant
General, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart; Giuseppina De Simone,
Pontifical Lateran University.

Convinced of the role of the Catholic laity, Toniolo promotes
multiple scientific and cultural initiatives and institutions and is committed
actively in support of the presence of Catholics in politics and in
various fields of social action for the benefit of the working class. Study man
and teaching, he is a prominent economist, participates in the activity
scientific and at the same time makes all its expertise available
for dissemination, popular involvement, by committing oneself
in ecclesial ecclesial associations and in the first forms of credit

His is a call to read the problems of our society in a new way
in terms of common responsibilities towards a entrusted common good
to everyone, in particular to the younger generations because the
possibility to act to achieve profound changes, only possible
in the long run, as the economist from Pisa wanted.

Giuseppe Toniolo was proclaimed Blessed on April 29, 2012 in the Basilica
Roman church of San Paolo fuori le Mura. The conference concludes an extensive program
of initiatives organized during the year in various parts of Italy a
testimony of the actuality of the thought and action of a figure who
it deserves a renewed and thorough consideration. His testimony of
secular was lived in all dimensions of life: spiritual,
family, professional, social and political.

Mons. Sorrentino, "today we risk irrelevance". Toniolo "man of synthesis" who was able to "intuit the future"

Truffelli (Catholic Action), "today there is a withdrawal of politics from the life of the country"

Anelli (rector of the Catholic University), "Toniolo has questioned the idea of ​​homo oeconomicus"

Msgr. Sorrentino: Toniolo's relevance, being at the service