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Giuseppe Toniolo .

Giuseppe Toniolo .

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Giuseppe Toniolo .

From Pisa a prophecy for the future

The relationship between Giuseppe Toniolo and Pisa 18 November 2022 / Auditorium of the Opera della Primaziale G.Toniolo in Piazza Arcivescovado - Pisa

The volume of Alberto Guasco (Giuseppe Toniolo and Pisa (1879-1918), Pacini Editore 2022) - winner of the “Giuseppe Toniolo 2022” award, Thought section of the Beato Toniolo Institute - is dedicated to the relationship between Giuseppe Toniolo and Pisa and originates from two main considerations. On the one hand, the relationship with the city where the economist and sociologist lived and taught for almost forty years had never been addressed in a systematic way; the volume did it from six visual angles: the spirituality,university teaching,  relations with the ecclesial worldpoliticianeconomic and with the Pisa of Great war. On the other hand, the volume is crossed by a question: the father of the Catholic movement still says something about our today?

Retrace the answers given by Toniolo to the major problems of his time, such as ours marked by very strong changes - the need to form new ruling classes, to respond to the social, economic and working changes deriving from a "first globalization", to tackle problems such as poverty and emigration, even to deal with pandemics - did not mean finding valid parallels between that past and our today at all costs, or making ready-made answers emerge, as much as groped to find the questions most able to guide us in our current situation.

For this reason, the Opera Giuseppe Toniolo Foundation dedicates a moment of meeting and discussion to which all citizens are invited on the day 18th November 2022 Starting at 17 at the 'Auditorium of the Opera della Primaziale G.Toniolo in Arcivescovado Square - Pisa.

Speakers include:

Andrea Maestrelli, President of the Opera G. Toniolo Foundation

Martina Pignatti, program director of Un ponte, with her speech Rereading Toniolo, from the eve of the First World War to the signs of the third.

Michele Zanzucchi, journalist and writer, lecturer at the Sophia University Institute, What would Toniolo say about subsidiarity and social justice in the era of the digital revolution?

Ernesto Preziosi, Istituto Toniolo Milano who will talk to us about Llay experience of Giuseppe Toniolo

The author will conclude Alberto Guasco, RESPONSIVECNR-Isem researcher in Milan and the Archbishop of Pisa John Paul Benotto.

The meeting will be conducted and moderated by Christine Sagliocco and broadcast live on the frequencies of Radio Encounter Pisa.

To participate you must register by sending an email to segreteria@fondazioneoperatoniolo.it

article foundationoperatoniolo.it


Giuseppe Toniolo in Pisa, the research of Alberto Guasco
THE APPOINTMENT Friday 18 November study day hosted in the auditorium of the Opera del Duomo