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Giuseppe Toniolo .

Giuseppe Toniolo .

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Giuseppe Toniolo .

Lives and words for our time - Giuseppe Toniolo between history and prophecy.

2nd Adult Day 26 March 2023 / AC Vicenza

The long history of AC contains a wealth of documents, initiatives, experiences and personalities who still have a lot to say to us today. Re-reading and deepening our past to build the present and the future is an operation we often try to do in our training itineraries. Always with this in mind, we have thought of the second Adult Day, which this year is proposed in collaboration with the Active Citizenship Laboratory (LCA) 20 years after its birth, going to know and deepen the figure of Blessed Giuseppe Toniolo (1845-1918), going to Pieve di Soligo (TV) where he is buried. To approach his life, his thoughts and his works, we will be guided by Marco Zabotti, director of the diocesan Institute "Blessed Toniolo. The Ways of the Saints". Together we will be able to discover the topicality of G. Toniolo within the society of his time and within the Catholic movement. The answers that he gave to the needs of that world can still illuminate our research in the difficult task of facing the challenges of the present, always remaining rooted in the Gospel message.

On this day we will be guests of the parish and friends of the AC di Pieve, who in the afternoon will accompany us on a visit to the ancient parish church of San Pietro di Feletto, a Romanesque church built around the year XNUMX.

It will certainly be an intense day, full of encounters and discoveries, new in the proposal. We are certain that it will be a precious occasion to deepen our history and our formation, giving us at the same time a day of fraternity and friendship in the company of a future CA saint.


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